Lorenzo Colantoni

Lorenzo Colantoni
Lorenzo Colantoni is researcher at IAI, specialised on environmental crimes, the management of natural resources and the impact of climate change, with a focus on EU policies and Sub Saharan Africa. Among recent works, Colantoni has worked on the role of EU trade on deforestation, mostly regarding the EUDR and agricultural commodities, on technology applied to the fight against environmental crimes (especially satellite data) and on collaboration between the EU and South East Asia on environmental enforcement. He has also extensive experience in the field, having worked in the Amazon, in Indonesia, several Sub Saharan African countries and in the Arctic in recent years. Colantoni is also a journalist and filmmaker, working for media such as National Geographic, the Guardian and Corriere della Sera. He is also author of eight books with national and international publishers; his last work is “Ritorno alle Foreste Sacre” (Laterza, 2022), a travel reportage on the relation between spirituality and environmentalism in Japan.